I started piecing this quilt to keep my hands, my head, and my heart busy during the two weeks leading up to my Liver Transplant. I was filled with so many thoughts, feelings, emotions, scenarios and I just decided that I needed to find a way to be rid of all of that, and to focus on finding comfort.
This piece brought that comfort, and continues to fill me with comfort.
It is non-conventionally pieced using traditional Japanese yarn dyed fabrics. I didn’t use traditional seamed piecing because I wanted the quilt to fray and soften and have the comfort of my oldest and softest blue jeans.
While I was in surgery, my quilter, Deanna Gaudaur ( quintestudios.com ) quilted it for me.
As soon as I got home I washed it, dried it, and then spent the night wrapped in its comfort.
It is perfect.
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