At the moment, this is still a work in progress. Today, it will go to my quilter, Deanna Gaudaur ( ). Soon it will come home and go through a regular cycle in the washing machine. It will fray and soften. Then, this quilt will tell the story that I want it to tell. In early January, I was diagnosed with Liver Cancer. At the time, the prognosis was pretty bleak because of my age, and talk centred around treatment to keep me comfortable and to extend my life for as long as possible. Generally, the expectation was two to five years. My head and my heart went to some interesting places during the weeks that I ‘lived’ with this diagnosis. My emotions were wild, but my head and my heart calmed me and brought me comfort. I have crammed a lot into my seventy-one years. For the most part it has all been good. I have loved and been loved. Generously. I have cared, and nurtured, and been kind and giving. I have experienced that same goodness...
... I'm just a guy who likes to make quilts ... and tell stories. Every day is an adventure as I try new things. Like the rest of life it seems, what can be done in quilt making is limited only by my imagination. What an incredibly exciting journey! This blog continues on from my farm blog ... ... email ...